The King in Yellow and Other Horror Stories
Robert W. Chambers
The most important work of American supernatural fiction between Poe and the moderns is generally conceded to be the almost legendary The King in Yellow by Robert W. Chambers. One of the first attempts to establish the horror of the nameless and the unimaginable, it was a treasured source used by almost all the important writers in the American pulp tradition: H. P. Lovecraft, A. Merritt, Robert E. Howard, and many others. It is also still a work of remarkable power, one of the most chillingly imaginative books in the genre. In this new Dover collection all the supernatural stories are reprinted from The King in Yellow, including the grisly "Yellow Sign," the disquieting "Repairer of Reputations," the tender "Demoiselle d'Ys" and others. Chambers' finest stories from other sources have also been added, such as the thrilling "Maker of Moons," "The Messenger," and others. Much of this material has never been reprinted before. An unusual pleasure awaits those who know Chambers only by his horror stories. Also included here are the three finest of Chambers' early biological science-fiction fantasies from In Search of the Unknown. These display a deft humor and light imagination that have never been excelled in the field. Contents: Introduction by Everett F. Bleiler 1. The Demoiselle d'Ys (1895) 2. The Yellow Sign (1895) 3. The Repairer of Reputations (1895) 4. The Mask (1895) 5. In the Court of the Dragon (1895) 6. The Maker of Moons (1896) 7. A Pleasant Evening (1896) 8. The Messenger (1897) 9. The Key to Grief (1897) 10. The Harbor-Master (1899) 11. In Quest of the Dingue (1904) 12. Is the Ux Extinct? źródło opisu: Dover, 1970 źródło okładki: Zdjęcie autorskie (MSN)
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