Sass and Compass in Action
Wynn Netherland, Nathan Weizenbaum, Chris Eppstein, Brandon Mathis
For 15 years, we've been using CSS to patiently paint the web by hand. No more! Sass and Compass add scripting and a library of components to standard CSS so you can simplify stylesheet authoring, automate tedious tasks, and add dynamic styling features to your pages. Think of Sass and Compass as power tools that allow you to paint with remarkable speed and precision. Sass and Compass in Action is a hands-on guide to stylesheet authoring using these two revolutionary tools. This practical book shows you how to eliminate common CSS pain points and concentrate on making your pages pop. You'll begin with simple topics like CSS resets and then progress to more substantial challenges like building a personal stylesheet framework to bundle and reuse your own approaches and opinions. źródło opisu: https://www.manning.com/books/sass-and-compass-in-action źródło okładki: https://www.manning.com/books/sass-and-compass-in-action
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